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    Your current location:>> Core Value>> Happiness
    Happiness--We reach and exceed customer expectations and enjoy it
      Enjoy happiness and realize dream at work

    Employees,the happiness is a state of mind.

    For enterprises,happiness is a human care.

    Only employees with a happy state of mind into a harmonious integration into the enterprise,the whole team have the power,would create more wealth,happiness only when the work becomes a corporate culture, business and the employees together in the same space growth.

    Source of Happiness
    Wages and benefits system
    —Give employee incentive for work,working at Horngshiue becomes more decent.
    6S management system
    —Make the work envionment safer,more comfirtable and cleaner.
    Personal Development System
    —So that employees feel a sense of achievement and progress and gain.
    Harmonious team relationship
    —Optimize organizational culture and create a harmonious relation ship between colleagues.
    Humane Care System
    —People-oriented,so that employees feel the warmth of home.